
Bogus Employment Dealer Dupes 4000 Job Seekers

Bogus Employment Dealer Dupes 4000 Job Seekers

4000 Job seekers were left without a job and their monies which range between USD $10 and $20 as a bogus employment dealer promised to find employment for them at Boka Tobacco Auction floors, ZBC News reports.

The dealer(s) pocketed around USD $40 000 from the scam. The matter came to light yesterday as thousands of job seekers went to Boka Tobacco Auction Floors yesterday only to discover there was nothing for them.

One of the desperate job seekers spoke to the publication and said:

We received the information from our social media group and from Church that there were vacancies at Boka and we were referred to pay US$10 and some US$20 to two ladies, one Mai Tatenda. So people paid in their numbers to the women who reside in Glenview. And yesterday we received SMSs that today we were supposed to commence work, but to our surprise, we came and we are told there is no work, we are frustrated.

When contacted for comment Boka Floors Managing Director, Chido Nyakudya said:

We at Boka, have a clear Human Resources Policy which does not require anyone to pay money to get employment, it is unfortunate that several people have fallen prey to bogus dealers, we are working with police to get to the bottom of the matter.

More: ZBC News 
