
Makhosini Hlongwane Seeks Zanu PF Re-Admission

Makhosini Hlongwane Seeks Zanu PF Re-Admission

Former Sports Minister Makhosini Hlongwane reportedly wants to rejoin the ruling party after he was fired from the party during the coup that toppled Robert Mugabe from power, Sunday News reports.

The matter came to light as Zanu-PF Midlands Provincial chairperson Daniel McKenzie-Ncube was addressing Midlands Provincial Coordinating Committee when he said the province has not recommended that Hlongwane and former Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Tapiwanashe Matangaidze be readmitted into the party:

As far as the provincial executive is concerned, we have not recommended the re-admission of any former minister aligned to G-40. The social media has been awash with news that some of the former G-40 members had been re-admitted into the party. Do not be misled by social media. We have proper and formal communication channels as the party and those are the ones that we follow.

Meanwhile, Rugare Gumbo reportedly rejoined the ruling party almost 6 years after he was fired for siding with Joice Mujuru in 2014.

More: Sunday News 
