
Police Investigating The Murder Of Two Zimbabweans In Botswana

Police Investigating The Murder Of Two Zimbabweans In Botswana

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has expressed concern over the murder and maltreatment of Zimbabweans in neighbouring Botswana.

The acting officer commanding Bulilima and Mangwe districts Superintendent Stephen Mutema told the Senate Thematic Committee on Peace and Security and the Parliamentary Committee on Local Government that a Zimbabwean national was shot dead while the other one was fatally assaulted in Botswana recently. He said:

We have witnessed our locals being shot in Botswana. As I speak, we are investigating the death of two of our nationals in Botswana. In the first case, a 23-year-old Zimbabwean, Thabani Ncube from Sanzukwi Village died after being heavily assaulted on suspicion of being a cattle rustler.

In the second case, Phineas Nyathi of Tjitji Village in Mangwe District was shot dead last month by yet to be identified people. He was shot in the head and died on the spot.

He added that Ncube died at a hospital in Botswana following the assault and was buried there while Nyathi had crossed with a friend into Botswana to buy tyres for his scotch cart when he was killed.

Reports of maltreatment of Zimbabweans in Botswana and South Africa have been on the rise recently.

More: Chronicle
