
Nkosana Moyo: Catch The Big Fish, Corruption Goes Deeper Than Obadiah Moyo

Nkosana Moyo: Catch The Big Fish, Corruption Goes Deeper Than Obadiah Moyo

The president of the Alliance for People’s Agenda (APA), Nkosana Moyo, said the recent firing of Obadiah Moyo as Minister of Health and Child Care is insignificant in the scheme of things as the nabobs of corruption are still untouched.

Moyo served briefly as Industry and International Trade minister under the late Robert Mugabe but resigned in 2001, the first minister to do so in independent Zimbabwe. Posting on his Twitter page, Moyo said:

The removal of Obadiah Moyo from his post as Cabinet minister is a very small battle won in the scheme of things because the big fish are still unscathed and the levels of corruption still totally unacceptable.

Indeed, we are thankful that ‘some’ action has been taken, but we must remember that the rot goes far deeper than just Moyo.

With all the evidence which was brought to light by citizens, more should be done if the government is fighting corruption.

Moyo was recently relieved of his duties by President Emmerson Mnangagwa for “conduct inappropriate for a Government Minister.”

He had been arrested earlier for authorising a procurement deal for medical supplies that were overpriced.

Delish Nguwaya, a local representative of Drax International, the company involved in the tender scam, is currently free on bail after being arrested as part of the same investigation.

More: Zim Morning Post
