
Hosiah Chipanga Furious Over Police Inaction In Land Dispute

Hosiah Chipanga Furious Over Police Inaction In Land Dispute

Sungura musician Hosiah Chipanga has expressed anger over police’s delay in executing a court order that directs his nemesis to vacate a piece of and he purchased in 2005.

Chipanga alleges that the wrangle with a female relative of the person who sold him the land in Mutasa has been going on since 2015 when he bought the rural home through an estate agent following a newspaper advert.

The Kwachu-kwachu hit-maker claims that his nemesis is now erecting a structure. Speaking to Zim Morning Post, Chipanga said:

I reported the contempt of court to the police. She was never arrested. I had obtained a Peace Order against her, which she again breached by scolding me, uttering all the vulgar words on the planet,” said the Kwachu Kwachu hit-maker.

I again reported her to the police and on the court date, she was again nowhere to be found and the court granted me a warrant of arrest. Up to this day, she was never arrested… The woman later applied for a rescission against the default judgement.

Police are now asking him for the location of the estate agent who sold him the homestead 15 years ago saying those were their orders.

More: Zim Morning Post
