
Ngarivhume Denied Bail, Court Says He Is A Danger To The Society

Ngarivhume Denied Bail, Court Says He Is A Danger To The Society

Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume who is in custody for allegedly inciting public violence has been denied bail when he appeared before a Harare Magistrate today. This was revealed by Lawyer Douglas Coltart in a tweet that said:

Jacob Ngarivhume has been denied bail on the basis that the he is a danger to the public because if he is released he will incite people to break COVID-19 Regulations on #31July. Hopewell’s bail hearing will continue this afternoon at 2:30 pm.

Ngarivume was arrested together with journalist Hopewell Chin’ono on the same charges and Chin’ono’s bail hearing is scheduled for this afternoon. Chin’ono and Ngarivmume were fearlessly calling the public to protest against the government’s maladministration before they were arrested.

Source: Twitter 

