
Parliament Orders Expelled MPs To Return Cars

Parliament Orders Expelled MPs To Return Cars

Parliament has written to all the 22 expelled legislators requesting them to return the vehicles they got under its car loan scheme.

Clerk of Parliament, Kennedy Chokuda said that legislators who wish to keep the vehicles will have to pay off the difference. Said Chokuda:

Members who have been recalled from Parliament have an option to fully pay for their vehicles or surrender them to Parliament.

If they surrender them they will have to pay any differences between the valuation of the vehicle.

As required by the law we have already written to affected MPs to make a decision on the matter. We are simply guided by the law on this.

The MDC-T led by Thokozani Khupe has expelled a total of 21 Members of Parliament from both Houses who contested the 2018 general elections under Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Alliance.

Khupe used a controversial Supreme Court ruling issued in March to expel legislators who refused to switch their allegiance from the MDC Alliance.

The ruling ZANU PF recalled Chivi South MP Killer Zivhu following his expulsion from the party.

More: The Herald
