Persecution Of Journos In Zim: “Authorities Want Identity Of Sources Who Helped Expose Corruption” – Human Rights Watch
Dewa Mavhinga, the Human Rights Watch Director for Southern Africa has opined that the persecution of journalists in Zimbabwe is a strategy to get to their sources who helped in the exposure of grand corruption by some government officials and departments.
Mavhinga who investigates human rights abuses in Zimbabwe, South Africa, eSwatini & Malawi speaks when journalists Hopewell Chin’ono and Mduduzi Mathuthu have been targeted by the state after they exposed corruption in the country. Posting on social media on Saturday, Mavhinga said:
Persecution/harassment of prominent journalists Hopewell Chin’ono & @Mathuthu, & their families, is for the Zimbabwe authorities to get to their sources who helped expose high-level Covid19 PPE corruption.
FeedbackChin’ono was arrested on 20 July and charged with inciting public violence after rallying the citizenry to participate in anti-corruption protests that had been scheduled for 31 July.
Meanwhile, Mathuthu has gone into hiding but his family is being harassed by state security personnel. His nephew Tawanda Muchehiwa was recently abducted, tortured and detained by police who wanted him to reveal Mathuthu’s whereabouts.
Speaking to SABC News last night, the Secretary for Information, Nick Mangwana said relatives of wanted individuals who do not reveal the whereabouts of their relatives are being arrested for “obstructing justice.”
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