
Govt Responds To "Schools Re-opening September" Reports

Govt Responds To "Schools Re-opening September" Reports

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has dismissed as misleading reports which suggested that schools will reopen on the 2nd os September.

The Ministry issued a statement this Tuesday saying schools remain closed until further notice. Reads part of the statement:

Contrary to misleading social media reports that schools will reopen on 2 September 2020 or 15 September 2020 for examination classes, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education would like to reiterate to its valued stakeholders that the Government deferred the re-opening of schools until further notice.

Government is currently in widespread consultations and will only announce any schools re-opening date once Cabinet has taken a position.

It is in this light that the Ministry advises all schools remain closed until a Government directive on re-opening is issued.

The Ministry also threatened action against schools that would reopen without the government’s permission.

Social media was awash with messages which also urged candidates to prepare for the November examinations.

Schools were prematurely closed in March after the country had recorded cases of the coronavirus.

More: The Herald
