
ZIMSEC Exams To Start On 1 December - ZIMSEC

ZIMSEC Exams To Start On 1 December - ZIMSEC

ZIMSEC has announced that ZIMSEC examinations will begin on 1 December, the Grade 7s will sit for their exams first and their results will reportedly be published in the same month, The Sunday Mail reports. According to the publication, ordinary and advanced level exams will also start in December but ordinary level exams will spill into January.

The matter came to light when Zimsec Board Chairperson Professor Eddie Mwenje said they were busy crafting the timetable while in an interview with the Sunday Mail:

Examinations will start on December 1, with Grade Seven candidates being the first to sit for the exams,” he said.This will enable their answer scripts to be marked and the results to be published in December so that parents have enough time to look for Form One places.

Advanced Level candidates will also write and complete their examinations in December, while the Ordinary Level classes will be the ones that have their examinations spill into January. Zimsec is now seized with the drafting of the timetables, which will be shared to the stakeholders before they are released to the students.

Mwenje also said printing of Grade 7 exams is complete and ZIMSEC was currently assessing the suitability of centres across the country to hold examinations. About 1.2 million candidates will reportedly sit for their examinations this year.

More: The Sunday Mail
