
ZANU PF Threatens Cabinet Ministers

ZANU PF Threatens Cabinet Ministers

The ruling ZANU PF party has reminded cabinet ministers that they are not serving their personal interests in government and should always toe the party line.

While addressing a provincial co-ordinating committee meeting (PCC) in Mashonaland East on Sunday, ZANU PF politburo member and acting spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa said all government programmes which were funded by all Zimbabweans through tax collections, regardless of political affiliation, should be credited to his party.

He further warned cabinet ministers that the party was watching them and they risk being fired if they fail to give credit to ZANU PF for their achievements. He said:

There should be no programme done by the government that should be done without Zanu PF being given credit and being at the forefront.

We don’t want to hear that you are commissioning a road, yet Zanu PF does not know when we are the ones who sent you; we are going to construct a dam, then you proceed to build a dam without informing the party.

It is the party that should get credit for all the work that you do in government, us as Zanu PF.

If you behave and act in that manner, we will not have any problems. All ministers in government should not forget that we sent them there, and we are watching if you are toeing the line of the party. If we see that you are pulling in your own direction, we know what to do.

Chinamasa’s remarks ignited an old age debate about the separation between government and Zanu PF.

There are a few cabinet ministers who are not known for being active ZANU PF members such Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube and Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry.

More: NewsDay
