Zivhu Gives Teachers Food Hampers, Urges Them To Return To Work

Former ZANU PF legislator for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu has pleaded with teachers in his constituency to return to school and resume classes as learners are lagging behind.
He made the remarks after donating a few bags of mealie-meal to teachers who he said should be cognisant of the “fact” that president Emmerson Mnangagwa was working to return things to normalcy.
Zivhu also pledged to work with the community in a bid to continue providing food hampers to teachers.
Teachers did not return to work when schools reopened on 28 September citing incapacitation. They are being paid approximately US$35 per month.
Some say what all teachers need, like any professional want, is to be paid a decent salary and be able to have the dignity to buy their own groceries not to be beggars.
Watch the video below for more.