
ED Pledges To Pay Charming Schoolgirl's Fees

ED Pledges To Pay Charming Schoolgirl's Fees

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has pledged to pay school fees for a primary schoolgirl who charmed him with a poem following the commissioning of the Marovanyati Dam project on Wednesday.

The pledge to pay fees for Lizet Munzveda from Chapanduka Primary School in Buhera school was announced by the Minister of Defence and War Veterans Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

She said President Mnangagwa had pledged to pay Lizet’s fees from her current grade until she completes her university.

Lizet had through her poem educated fellow villagers in Buhera and Zimbabwe at large on the significance of water and other Government initiatives such as the Pfumvudza farming concept.

The president also gave the girl US$100 after she had finished reciting her powerful poem.

More: The Herald
