
ZESA Importing 600MW To Cover Supply Gap

ZESA Importing 600MW To Cover Supply Gap

Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority ZESA is said to be importing 600MW from regional suppliers to bridge the power supply gap engulfing the country right now, New Zimbabwe reports. According to the publication, ZESA is producing 850MW against a demand of around 1500MW hence the need to bridge the gap by importing power.

This was revealed by ZERA CEO Eddington Mazambani when he said:

Imports account for between 33-40% of our power requirements. Our internal generation is about 900MW against a demand of between 1400MW and 1500MW with 500-600MW covered by imports

All power generating facilities are reportedly operating below capacity according to the publication which stated that:

As of last week, the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) indicated that Kariba was producing 637MW, Hwange 184MW, Bulawayo zero, Munyati 14MW, and Harare 15MW. The combined output from all the five power stations was 850MW.

ZESA last week announced that power generation was suppressed due to technical faults at Hwange and Kariba.

More: New Zimbabwe 
