
AFM In Zimbabwe Reminder To Observe COVID-19 Regulations

AFM In Zimbabwe Reminder To Observe COVID-19 Regulations

Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) in Zimbabwe Secretary-General, Reverend Brighton Tembo has reminded the church’s assemblies to continue observing the measures put in place by the government to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The reminder comes amid reports of complacency. We present his memorandum below.

Greetings in the name of our soon returning Lord Jesus Christ.

Further to the Secretary General’s communication on COVID-19 dated 18 March 2020, it has been observed with concern, that our members are not observing the protective and restrictive COVID-19 regulations as outlined by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare.

Zimbabwe is not yet out of the woods in dealing with this global pandemic that has claimed over 20 000 lives across the Limpopo in South Africa, around 200 000 Americans and almost 60 000 in Britain including some Zimbabweans resident there. In the country, over 250 people have succumbed to this deadly pandemic.

As a church, we are concerned that some among you are breaking the law by exceeding the numbers permitted to attend church gatherings at any time. As has been observed in those gatherings some have already done away with the wearing of masks, in some cases, there is no more sanitizing of hands and hand washing, no more social distancing. More grave is the fact that these services are streamed live on social media, which is an act of self-incrimination. The live stream can be used as evidence by the law enforcement authorities for prosecution purposes.

May all assemblies continue to observe the safety measures as prescribed in the Secretary General’s communication dated 18 March 2020. Let us also note that the country has been hit by a second wave of infections as evidenced by the over 100 students infected at John Tallach in Bulawayo. May we, therefore, be on high alert.

God bless you

President: Rev A. D Madawo: Deputy President: Rev C. Mupakaidzwa: Secretary-General: Rev B. Tembo; Treasurer General: Elder C. P Chemhuru
