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FULL TEXT: SA's EFF Lambasts Police Minister For 'Be In Bed By 9 PM' Remarks

4 years agoThu, 31 Dec 2020 14:34:03 GMT
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FULL TEXT: SA's EFF Lambasts Police Minister For 'Be In Bed By 9 PM' Remarks

The EFF notes the inappropriate and attention-seeking utterances made by Minister Bheki Cele.

After President Ramaphosa announced that we must celebrate the New Year in our homes and that at 12 midnight he will be lighting a candle for the departed due to COVID-19, Bheki Cele comes contradicting the President with his unfounded and stupid regulations that South Africans ought to be in bed by 9 pm.

We are all expected to be home by 9 pm and so the police must not harass South Africans because of the misguided imbecile of a minister who clearly suffers from verbal diarrhoea.

This clown called Bheki Cele is an anti-black minister who is only good at using violent language when he talks to blacks and very romantic when he talks to whites.

Moreover, when it comes to fighting corruption, CIT robberies, and GBV, he is nowhere to be found.

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As such, as from today, no black person should listen to him until he deals decisively with the above-mentioned.

We are not in a police state and Bheki Cele must not behave like he is the absolute arbiter. He can tell his kids when to sleep at 9 pm, not us.

The EFF remains sympathetic to all infected, affected, and families of those who lost their lives hence the EFF contributed R15 million to the Solidarity Fund in fighting this killer disease.

But today we are rebooting to face it with new vigour and determination, even in the face of death we should always appreciate life.



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