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BREAKING: Acie Lumumba Loses US$200K

3 years agoMon, 01 Feb 2021 17:48:15 GMT
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BREAKING: Acie Lumumba Loses US$200K

Acie Lumumba born Gerald Mutumanje lost nearly US$200 000 to his two employees at his Platinum Fuels during transactions entered with other fuel dealers.

The theft reportedly occurred between November last year and January this year.

It is reported that Acie Lumumba lost 153 000 litres of diesel worth US$158 520 and US$30 500 cash to its employees Tatenda Maredza (31) and Malcolm Dodo (26).

The two employees, Maredza and Dodo appeared at the Harare Magistrates’ Court charged with theft of trust property, corruptly concealing a transaction from a principal and unlawful dealing in petroleum.

Maredza and Dodo were not asked to plead to the charges when they appeared before magistrate Mrs. Barbra Mateko, who remanded them in custody to today for bail application.

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