
Henrietta Rushwaya Reinstated As ZMF President

Henrietta Rushwaya Reinstated As ZMF President

The Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) has reinstated Henrietta Rushwaya as its President after she was suspended last year.

Rushwaya was reinstated in a meeting held at Rainbow Towers this Tuesday morning where ZMF members unanimously agreed to reinstate her with immediate effect saying her suspension was unconstitutional.

The Federation stated that the suspension was not lawful and that it is only the duty of the National Executive, not of the General Council (management) to suspend her.

Henrietta Rushwaya has been reinstated forthwith.

Meanwhile, the state is still investigating Henrietta Rushwaya over allegations that she intended to smuggle 6 kilogrammes of purified gold to the United Arab Emirates.

She was last year caught with the gold at the Robert Mugabe International Airport and spent weeks in prison before she was released on bail.

More: Mining Zimbabwe
