
Chinese-donated COVID-19 Vaccines Expected Next Week - Govt

Chinese-donated COVID-19 Vaccines Expected Next Week - Govt

Zimbabwe is expecting to receive its first batch of Chinese-donated COVID-19 vaccine doses by Monday next week, a cabinet minister has said.

Speaking during a post Cabinet briefing on Tuesday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said Zimbabwe will receive the donated 200 000 SINOPHARM COVID-19 vaccine doses next week, while the purchased consignment will be delivered in early March. She said:

In terms of vaccines procurement, the Government of the People’s Republic of China extended a donation of 200 000 SINOPHARM COVID-19 vaccine doses.

The donation and initial batch purchased are expected in Zimbabwe by 15 February 2021 and the first week of March 2021, respectively.

The 76 to 86 per cent efficacy of the SINOPHARM vaccine was endorsed by the World Health Organisation.

Mutsvangwa further said Zimbabwe is expecting to receive more vaccines donated by India while plans are afoot to buy Russia’s Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine. Said Mutsvangwa:

Efforts to procure other COVID-19 vaccines such as the Sputnik V (Victory) from Russia, among others, are underway. India, like China, has also offered a donation and an option to purchase commercially and modalities for this offer are still being worked out.

She said frontline workers, the elderly and those with underlying conditions will be the first to receive the jab.

More: Sunday News
