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Matabeleland Zanu PF Heavyweights Took Turns To Bootlick ED On Wednesday - Report

4 years agoFri, 05 Mar 2021 17:51:42 GMT
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Matabeleland Zanu PF Heavyweights Took Turns To Bootlick ED On Wednesday - Report

Matabeleland Zanu PF heavyweights reportedly took turns to bootlick president Mnangagwa at the Zanu PF politburo meeting hoping to get on his good side as he will be expected to appoint a second Vice President soon to replace Kembo Mohadi who resigned on Monday, The Zimbabwe Independent reports.

This was revealed to the publication by a Zanu PF official that to the Zim Independent that Matabeleland Zanu PF heavyweights tried to impress President Mnangagwa so bad it delayed the meeting:

Politburo discussions centered on steps the government is taking to implement the MZWP and benefits it will bring to the people

Interestingly, it became very clear that the comrades from Matabeleland, who are former Zapu members, came to life and fiercely tried to outsmart each other to please Mnangagwa. As a result, this agenda consumed time.

One would get the feeling that a Matabeleland clique found an opportunity during discussions on the water project to present themselves as potential replacements for Mohadi.

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The Matabeleland Zanu PF Heavyweights who are reportedly vying for the vacant post are Party spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo, Primary and Secondary Education minister Cain Mathema and Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda.

President Mnangagwa is expected to pick Mohadi’s replacement from the Zapu as provided for in the 1987 Unity Accord.

More: Zimbabwe Independent



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