
Fake Doctor Arrested In Kwekwe

Fake Doctor Arrested In Kwekwe

A 37-year-old man has been arrested for masquerading as a medical practitioner and operating a surgery in Kwekwe, named the Medical Oasis Surgery, without proper requirements.

Emmanuel Machaya (37) popularly known as Dr Togara was arrested by police detectives acting on a tipoff that he was operating without being registered.

A team made up of the Ministry of Health and Child Care officials and those from the Zimbabwe Medical Association (ZIMA) investigated Machaya before alerting the police leading to his arrest.

It was also established that Machaya dropped out of college before he could complete his sonographic course.

He was granted $5 000 bail when he appeared before Kwekwe Magistrate Samukelisiwe Gumbo facing charges of contravening the Health Professions Act.

Machaya was facing three counts; operating without a practising certificate, masquerading or presenting himself as a member of ZIMA and operating an unregistered health institution.

Last year, Admire Chisi, a 25-year-old Ruwa man arrested for practising medicine at Harare’s Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals without qualifications.

More: Chronicle
