
PICTURES: Zanu PF Zvishavane Welcomes Lilian Timveos

PICTURES: Zanu PF Zvishavane Welcomes Lilian Timveos

Zanu PF Zvishavane has welcomed its brand new member former MDC Alliance official Lilian Timveos. This was revealed by Nick Mangwana the Infomation Ministry Permanent Secretary who shared photos of a Zimbabwe flag scuff clad Timveos at the welcome party.

Mangwana captioned the photos he shared of Timveos being welcomed to Zanu PF Zvishavane:

She is causing a hubbub in Zvishavane. Her name is Lillian Timveous. She was wcomed by the President into his Party. Today she is being given a joyous welcome into the community of her Comrades in Zvishavane. She says more are on the way.

Timveos defected to Zanu Pf last month and said she was frustrated by Chalton Hwende to leave the party and she was tired of opposing for the sake of opposing.

More: Lilian Timveos Biography
