
Bus Operators Engage Govt Over Violent Rank Marshals

Bus Operators Engage Govt Over Violent Rank Marshals

The Zimbabwe Passenger Transport Organisation (ZPTO) has urged the government to deal decisively with rank marshalls terrorising commuters at various bus termini across the country.

This comes after a video of about 10 Beitbridge touts harassing a hapless woman went viral on social media last week. ZPTO chairperson Samson Nhanhanga said:

ZPTO has noted with concern a video circulating on social media platforms of a woman who was being violently dragged and being forced to board a bus by rank marshals in Beitbridge.

We condemn this behaviour by these rank marshals. The association has engaged relevant ministries and policymakers so as to deal with matters relating to the abuse of passengers at all designated bus stations countrywide.

Following the incident, Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Minister Sithembiso Nyoni said rank marshalls will eventually be removed from all bus termini. Said Nyoni:

Eventually, we want touts to be removed from all bus termini. Public spaces must be safe for all. Law enforcement agents will not tolerate such behaviour.

My ministry has engaged relevant government departments and local authorities to nip these inhumane acts of gender-based violence in the bud.

More: NewsDay
