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ZAPU Resolves To Recall Zanu PF Members Of Parliament

3 years agoSun, 11 Apr 2021 04:53:24 GMT
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ZAPU Resolves To Recall Zanu PF Members Of Parliament

The opposition Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), says it will this week write to Parliament seeking to recall its former members, who are now part of the ruling Zanu PF.

The decision was taken at a special meeting of the party’s National People’s Council held in Bulawayo on Saturday the party’s spokesperson, Iphuthile Maphosa revealed. He said:

Our letter of recalls will be delivered to Parliament as soon as it re-opens after the holidays.

We are doing so because we have moved out of the Unity Accord, which is a pact that had brought together Zanu PF and PF ZAPU together following the genocide on Zapu supporters perpetrated by Zanu PF in order to institute a one-party state.

Former ZAPU members in the current Parliament include Education minister Cain Mathema and his Small and Medium Enterprises counterpart Sithembiso Nyoni.

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Some former ZAPU officials left Zanu PF in 2008 after the parties merged in 1987 to end the Gukurahundi killings in the Midlands and Matabeleland provinces.

ZAPU says the recent recalls of MDC Alliance MPs by the MDC-T and PDP informed its own decision to withdraw its former officials.

More: The Standard



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