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Police Seize Four Buses, Arrest Crews For Smuggling Goods From South Africa

3 years agoTue, 27 Apr 2021 08:15:27 GMT
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Police Seize Four Buses, Arrest Crews For Smuggling Goods From South Africa

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) says it has impounded four buses and arrested their crews before seizing goods worth millions of dollars in Beitbridge that were being smuggled into Zimbabwe from South Africa.

The police went on to warn the public that they face arrest and prosecution if caught smuggling goods into Zimbabwe. National police spokesperson Paul Nyathi said:

The ZRP is warning bus operators who are using their buses to smuggle goods into the country through B/Bridge Border Post that the law will take its course without fear or favour. The relevant Ministry will be engaged to revoke their permits or route authority.

The following buses were impounded and crew arrested while transporting contraband of smuggled goods into the country on 23/04/21; Sibbs Express AFJ 3555 with trailer AEZ 6946, Mzanzi CB 96 XB with trailer HD 94 XB, Charazim ABQ 8745, and Inter Africa DH 20 HP GP with trailer JV 00 VN GP.

The Zimbabwean side of the Beitbridge Border Post remains closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic although South Africa opened its side of the border last month.

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Smuggling of goods from South Africa for resale and for domestic consumption in Zimbabwe has continued unabated as goods are far much cheaper in the neighbouring country compared to local shops.

This has prompted law enforcement agents to intensify patrols at all border posts which led to the weekend arrests in Beitbridge.



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