
Chief Zvimba Orders Reburial Of Mugabe At Heroes Acre

3 years agoMon, 24 May 2021 14:02:56 GMT
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Chief Zvimba Orders Reburial Of Mugabe At Heroes Acre

Chief Zvimba has ordered the exhumation of the remains of the late president Robert Mugabe for reburial at the National HHeroes Acre on the 1st July 2021.

Mugabe was buried at his rural home in Zvimba but one of his surviving relatives claims the burial was in violation of cultural rites hence the need to redo it “properly.” The order reads:

Mhosva yenhumbi dzemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe 

[Charge of the late Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s clothes and or properties]

Mumhan’ari wajekesera dare kuti kune nhumbi dzinosanganisira mbatya dzekupfeka, midziyo yemumba nezvimwe zvose zvaishandiswa nemufi, Robert Gabriel Mugabe mukurarama kwake pasi rino nepabasa rake rekutungamirira nyika zviri kunzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana dzinosanganisira ku ‘State House, Zimbabwe House neku Munhumutapa Hofisi. Izvi hapana wazvipikisa nekudaro dare rangu razvitambira saizvozvo. Dare ratadza kufara zvekare nekushaikwa kwemumhan’arirwi padare kuti atsetse nyaya iyi. Patsika nehunhu hwekwaZvimba, dare rakubata nemhosva yechipiri zvekare Grace Mugabe nekurega nhumbi dzemufi dzakapararira munyika. Patsika nehunhu hwekwaZvimba, nhumbi dzose dzemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe dzinosungirwa kuunzwa pamba pemufi.

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[_The plaintiff made it clear to the court that the clothes and or properties of the late Robert Mugabe which he used at work and for domestic purposes are scattered in different places including the State House and Munhumutapa office. No one objected to the claims therefore the court will regard that asa statement of fact. The court was not happy with the absence of the respondent Grace Mugabe who was supposed to give a detail account of what transpired. According to Zvimba people culture, the late Robert Mugabe’s clothes and or properties must be brought home._]

Kuvigwa kwemufi pakatemwa rukawo nababa wemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe 

Mumhan’ari arambirira patsika nehunhu hwekwaZviniba hunoti munhu anosungirwa kunovigwa pakatemwa rokawo nababa naamai vake. Baba vemufi Robert Gabriel Mugabe, avo vanove Mambo Chidziva naamai vemufi avo vanova Mambo Gutu, naSadunhu Chiimbamauro vose vatsigira kuti mufi ngaafukunurwe andovigwa pakatemwa rukawo nababa naamai vaRobert Gabriel Mugabe vari pamwechete. lzvowo izvi ndiyo tsika yekwaZvimba. Hakuna mufi anotemerwa rukawo kaviri. Patsika yekwaZvimba nehunhu hwekwaZvimba, panotemwa rukawo rwemufi nababa vake kekutanga ndipo paanovigwa. Dare rinobvumirana netsika yekwaZvimba yekuti mushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe andovigwa pakatemwa rukawo nababa vake Mambo Chidziva kunzvimbo ye ‘National Heroes Acre muguta reHarare.

[_The plaintiff based his argument on Zvimba people’s culture that demands that the deceased must be buried at a place predetermined by own parents. The late Robert Gabriel Mugabe’s father and mother, in that order Chief Chidziva and Chief Gutu and regional leader Chimbamauro supported the idea that the deceased be ehumed and reburied where his parents predetermined. As per our culture, no one is allocated a burial site twice. The first place where predetermined by the father of the deceased shall be the the place of burial. The court concurs with Zvimba people’s culture which demands that Robert Gabriel Mugabe be buried at the National Heroes Acre in Harare as predetermined by his father Chief Chidziva._]

Muripo wemombe shanu nembudzl yemunongodzo

Mumhan’ari nevafakazi vapa dare huchapupu husina kugombedzera kuti ndiwe Grace Mugabe wakatungamirira mafambisirwo akaitwa rufu rwemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe. Nezvikonzero zvekuti ndiwe Grace Mugabe wakatungamirtra mafambisirwo erufu rwemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe, ukapara mhosva yechipini munyika yaZvimba ndinokupa mutongo wechenuro yechipini chawakaita ichi. Dai waisava iwe mupara nzvongo ungaditi usina kubvurnira kuti mushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe avigwe mukati memba yako. Zviri pachena sezuva kuti iwe ndiwe chete wasara wave muridzi weimba iyoyo inerinda zvichienderana netsika nehunhu hwedu hwekwaZvimba.

[_The plaintiff and the witnesses convinced the court that you, Grace Mugabe, led and or influenced the burial of Robert Gabriel Mugabe. As a result, you committed a taboo. If you did not want your husband to be buried in your house, you could have easily rejected the proposal since you’re the only surviving owner of the property._]  

Kuiswa kwerinda raRobert Gabriel Mugabe mumba mako ndochipini munyika yavaZvimba. Pamutongo wechenuro yechipini, unosungirwa kuunza kudare matsiru mashanu emombe nembudzi sheshe yemunongedzo. lzvi zvipfuwo ndozvichashandiswa nedare nemhuri yekwaZvimba kuchenura nyika yavaZvimba chipini chawakaita ichi.

[_The burial of Robert Mugabe inside the house was a taboo. As a result of the taboo you committed, you’re ordered to pay a herd of 5 cattle, a she goat. The animals will be used for the cleansing ceremony._]


[My Judgment As Chief Zvimba]

1 .Unosungirwa kubvisa chipini chekuviga mushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe mumba mako. lzvi unosungirwa kutungamidza baba vemushakabvu Mambo Chidziva mberi kwazvose pachitevedzwa, tsika nehunhu hwekwaZvimba. Mushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe afukunurwe andovigwa kwakatemwa rukawo nababa vake kumarinda eku “National Heroes Acre muguta reHarare mukati memazuva makumi matatu kana kuti musi wa 1 July 2021” usati wapfuura.

[You’re ordered to correct the taboo of burying Robert Gabriel Mugabe. The process should be led by your husband’s father Chief eChidziva following Zvimba people’s culture. The deceased Robert Gabriel Mugabe should be exhumed and reburied at the National Heroes Acre within 30 days on or before 1 July 2021.]

2. Unosungirwa kuunganidza nekundotora nhumbi dzose dzemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe kwose kwadziri munyika uchindodziisa kumba kwemufi mukati memazuvu makumi matatu kana kuti musi wa -1 July 2021″ usati wapfuura. Nhumbi idzi dzinosanganisira mbatya dzekupfeka nezvose zvaaishandisa zvese pakurarama kwake pasi pano zvisiri pamba pemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

[You’re ordered to collect all the clothes and or properties of the deceased Robert Gabriel Mugabe wherever they are  and bring them to his house on or before 1 July 2021. The properties include clothes and everything he used for day to day activities.] 

3. Unosungirwa kuunza kudare kwangu matsiru mashanu emombe nembudzi sheshe yemunongedzo zvipfuyo zvechenuro yenyika yekwaZvimba mukati memazuva makumi matatu kana kuti musi wa 1 July 2021′ usati wapfuura.

 [You’re ordered to bring 5 cows and a she goat for the cleansing ceremony within 30 days, on or before 1 July 2021.] 

4. Kana iwe mumhan’arirwi Grace Mugabe usina kutevedza mutongo wedare rangu mukati memazuva makumi matatu kana kuti mum wa “1” July 2021″ usati wapfuura, dare rangu rinoita zvinotevera [If you Grace Mygabe fail and or choose not to comply with this judgement, the court will do the following]

a) Ndinopa simba kuchikonzi chedare reChinhoyi Magistrates Courts riendese nhumbi dzose dzemushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe kumba kwake kunekero inoti Kutama village, Sabhuku Kutama, Sadunhu Chiimbamauro, Zvimba. Chikonzi chedare reChinhoyi Magistrates Courts ngachinokokorodze nhumbi dzose dzemufi Robert Gabriel Mugabe kwadziri kwose munyika yeZimbabwe kunosanganisira kunotevera;

[_I authorise the messenger of Chinhoyi Magistrates Court to take Mugabe’s properties to his house in Kutama Village. The messenger of court must collect all the properties in the following places_]

i. Zimbabwe House iri muguta reHarare.

ii. State House in muguta reHarare.

iii. Munhumutapa offices iri muguta reHarare.
Iv State House iri muguta reBulawavo.

v. State House iri muguta reChinhoyi.

b) Ndinopa simba kuchikonzi chedare reChinhoyi Magistrates Courts kuti chindotora matsiru mashanu emombe nembudzi imwechete kupurazi raGrace Mugabe rine kero inoti Gushungo Dairies muMazoe nerinoti Gushungo Farm muMazoe.

[I authorise the messenger of court to take 5 cows and a she goat from Grace Mugabe’s Mazowe Farm – Gushungo Dairies.]

c) Ndinopa simba kune avo vakatarwa nemutemo wenyika yeZimbabwe uye vanobvumidzwa nemutemo wenyika yeZimbabwe kundofukunura kwaKutama nekunondoviga kumarinda eNational Heroes Acre muguta reHarare mushakabvu Robert Gabriel Mugabe panzvimbo yakatarwa rukawo nababa vake Mambo Chidziva zvichitevedza tsika nehunhu hwekwaZvimba.

[I authorise everyone who is permitted under the laws of Zimbabwe to exhume Mugabe from Kutama and rebury him at the National Heroes Acre a place predetermined by his father Chief Chidziva.]

d) Kana usina kutevedzera mutongo wedare rino ndiwe Grace Mugabe unosungirwa kubhadhara miripo yose yevachabata basa rekuzadzisa mutongo wedare rino. Ndinopa simba kune avo vakatarwa nemutemo wenyika yeZimbabwe uye vanobvumidzwa nemutemo wenyika yeZimbabwe kuti vabhadharwe naGrace Mugabe mari dzose dzavachashandisa kuzadzisa mutongo wedare rangu uyu kana mumhan’arirwi Grace Mugabe asina kutevedzera mutongo wedare rangu saMambo.

[If you, Grace Mugabe, fail and or choose not to comply with judgment, you will pay for all expenses incurred in executing this judgment. I authorise everyone permitted under the laws of Zimbabwe to be repaid all the money they will use in executing this judgment.]



  1. Mugabe’s Sceptre Was Handed Over To Kasukuwere – Zivhu
  2. Chief Zvimba Disowns Grace Mugabe Summons
  3. Mnangagwa Behind Push To Exhume Mugabe, He Wants ‘Mystic Tsvimbo’, Says Zhuwawo
  4. WATCH: Zhuwao Speaks On Uncle Robert Mugabe’s Exhumation
  5. “Robert Mugabe Must Be Reburied,” Grace Summoned To Court

More: Pindula News;



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