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Police Say No Requirement For Vaccination Cards At Roadblocks

3 years agoTue, 06 Jul 2021 14:29:08 GMT
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Police Say No Requirement For Vaccination Cards At Roadblocks

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has dismissed as false, social media reports claiming that police officers are blocking people without COVID-19 vaccination certificates from getting into Harare Central Business District.

ZRP national spokesman Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi told ZimFact that the reports are false. He said:

This is false information. I answered that question to journalists yesterday.

Earlier, Nick Mangwana, Permanent Secretary for Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, tweeted that the roadblocks had been mounted only because intercity travel had been banned under measures that were announced on 29 June. Said Mangwana:

On reports of long queues of vehicles bottlenecked at roadblocks trying to get into Harare, Mazowe and Mutoko are cases in point.

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The short response is that intercity is banned fellow citizens. Very few people who are providing an essential service should be travelling.

COVID-19 vaccination certificates are not required when entering Harare, according to the police.

However, the police are enforcing COVID-19 regulations that restrict travel between cities to only essential services.

There is no legal basis for the police to demand proof of vaccination at checkpoints.

More: ZimFact



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