
Zolspot Internet Prices For August

Zolspot Internet Prices For August

ZOL provides LTE (Wibroniks) which can be fixed or mobile in the form of MIFI; Fibre internet which they call Fibroniks, and VSAT

Wibroniks Prices and packages:

  • Home Capped- you have a maximum amount of data. Once this runs out you need to top up or your connection stops working
  • Home Unlimited-you have unlimited internet.
  • Office- these packages are designed with businesses in mind. They often get better speeds during the day
Package Data Price in USD Price in ZWL Validity In Days Roll-Over Maximum Speed
Capped Packages
2GB 2GB $3 $257 15 Days 15 Days 10 Mbps
3GB 3GB $5 $429 15 Days 15 Days 10 Mbps
5GB 5GB $10 $857 15 Days 15 Days 10 Mbps
10GB 10GB $19 $1 217 15 Days 15 Days 10 Mbps
15GB 15GB $24 $2 055 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps
20GB 20GB $27 $2 312 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps
25GB 25GB $33 $2 826 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps
30GB 30GB $40 $3 426 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps
60GB 60GB $60 $5 138 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps
100GB 100GB $80 $6 851 30 Days 30 Days 10 Mbps


Wibroniks Unlimited Unlimited $119 $10 191 30 Days None 15 Mbps


Wibroniks Nano Office Unlimited $125 $10 705 30 Days None 7 Mbps
Wibroniks Micro Office Unlimited $185 $15 844 30 Days None 10 Mbps
Wibroniks Small Office Unlimited $295 $25 264 30 Days None 15 Mbps
  • Before you can start using Wibroniks you need to buy the LTE Simcard at the very least and have a compatible device such as a phone or a router
  • Currently, the ZOL LTE SIM Card is going for $100 ZWL
  • For capped packages, you just need to top up with data. Data prices are listed above
  • Capped packages have a roll-over period of 15 or 30 days. This means if you don’t use up all your data you in a given month (let’s say 10GB is left from June) when you top-up (let’s say you buy 25GB in July) the following month your unused data will be combined with new data. So in our example, you will have a total of 35GB.

Fibroniks (fibre packages):

  • ZOOM is a special type of low cost capped Fibre found in areas such as Warren Park
  • Capped -these are capped packages with limited data. Unlike Wibroniks where you can just top up, with Fibroniks you need to pick a capped package and pay for it.
  • Unlimited which means uncapped

Package Name


USD Prices

ZWL Prices



Fibroniks Zoom 10GB (Pay As You Go) $11 $942 30 Days
Fibroniks Lite 40GB (Pay As You Go) $29 $2 485 30 Days
Fibroniks Lite + Night Owl 40GB (Pay As You Go) + 40GB (Night Owl) $35 $2 998 30 Days
Fibroniks Basic Essentials 50GB (Pay As You Go) $39 $3 340 30 Days
Fibroniks Basic Essentials + Night Owl 50GB (Pay As You Go) + 50GB (Night Owl) $47 $4 025 30 Days
Fibroniks Family Essentials 100GB (Pay As You Go) $89 $7 622 30 Days
Fibroniks Family Essentials + Night Owl 100GB (Pay As You Go) + 100GB (Night Owl) $105 $8 992 30 Days
Fibroniks Come Alive 150GB (Pay As You Go) $100 $8 564 30 Days
Fibroniks Family Entertainment Unlimited $149 $12 760 30 Days
Fibroniks Modern Family Unlimited $199 $17 042 30 Days
Fibroniks Power Pack Unlimited $290 $24 834 30 Days
Fibroniks Turbo Pack Unlimited $339 $29 031 30 Days


Fibroniks Micro Office Unlimited $175 $14 987 30 Days
Fibroniks Small Office Unlimited $275 $23 550 30 Days
Fibroniks Office Unlimited $495 $42 391 30 Days
Fibroniks Large Office Unlimited $725 $62 087 30 Days

Top-up Packages

  • For Fibroniks first, you need to select a relevant package then you can top up to have additional data
  • This is especially useful if you exhaust your data on a capped account
  • Wibroniks top-up packages are the same as capped packages
