
G40 Plots ZANU PF Takeover Before 2023

G40 Plots ZANU PF Takeover Before 2023

The vanquished Generation 40 (G40) ZANU PF faction says it is still alive and planning the takeover of the ruling party ahead of the 2023 polls.

Prominent members of the G40 cabal fled into exile fearing arrest following the November 2017 military coup that ousted the late former President Robert Mugabe.

G40 kingpins who were against then Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s rise included Saviour Kasukuwere, Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao, among others.

Posting on Twitter on Friday, Moyo, a former Higher and Tertiary Education minister and ZANU PF politburo member, said:

Facts only: the overwhelming majority of G40 in ZANU PF’s leadership and membership ranks were neither expelled nor left the party after the 2017 army coup.

They are in it. It’s precisely for this reason that the most strategic fertile ground for change in Zimbabwe is the ZANU PF base.

Moyo claimed that Mnangagwa was imposed on the people by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. Said Moyo:

People’s choice, you? Since when? The real issue is, are you still the army’s choice? Without the army, what they call G40 will finish you politically in broad daylight as it did before the 2017 military coup and in the 2018 election only for the army to rescue you.

However, ZANU PF spokesperson Simon Khaya Moyo yesterday dismissed the former Higher Education minister as a daydreamer.

More: NewsDay
