
Chivi Man Lures Wife's Lover, Kills Him

Chivi Man Lures Wife's Lover, Kills Him

A man from Chivi District, Masvingo Province, was last week on Thursday killed in cold blood by the husband of a woman he was having an adulterous affair with.

The victim, Josiah Manatsa (36), was lured to a borehole by the aggrieved husband, Laurey Tafirei (25) of Madungwe Village under headman Watungwa, using phone messages who then stabbed him to death.

Masvingo provincial police spokesperson Kudakwashe Dhewa confirmed the incident which took place on 15 October.

Sources told The Mirror that in the evening before the fateful day, Tafirei clashed with his wife Brenda Ainos (23) over a love message received from Manatsa.

Tafirei grabbed his wife’s phone and continued chatting with Manatsa as if he was Ainos.

At around 4 am, he armed himself with a knife and a catapult and invited Manatsa for a nice time by the village borehole.

Oblivious of the source of the message, Manatsa obliged and went to the borehole where he was stabbed in the back and chest by the accused.

Tafirei left the scene after committing the crime and went and reportedly told his friend Silas Midzi (40) about the incident.

Tafirei and Midzi then went to report the issue to the village head Hikira Madungwe (79) and the three went to the scene where they found Manatsa lying in a pool of blood.

Tafirei who was now in a state of panic ran away from the scene but was later apprehended by the police.

More: Masvingo Mirror
