Econet Seeks RBZ Exemption As Batau's Ecocash Reaches Limit

Ecocash, Zimbabwe’s largest mobile phone-based money transfer, financing and microfinancing service, has approached the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) in a bid to have Sirizani Batau exempted from Ecocash limits.
Batau was burnt while trying to rescue people who were trapped in Beta bus that was in flames after being involved in a head-on collision with a fuel tanker about 20 km outside Mutare on Christmas Eve.
Five people died in the accident while 60 were sent to Victoria Chitepo Hospital for treatment after sustaining injuries.
Many people have been sending money to Batau for medical bills and his upkeep.
Journalist and filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono announced that he had spoken to Ecocash management after many people had reached out to him informing him that Batau’s number had reached the Ecocash limit. He said:
Many have written to me saying Sirizani Batau’s number has reached the limit. I have spoken to @EcoCashZW management, and they have informed me that they have asked for permission from @ReserveBankZIM to remove the limit. @EcoCashZW are still waiting for a response from RBZ!
Chin’ono had initially posted on his social media pages fundraising for Batau. His post read:
If you are in Zimbabwe or abroad and want to send a Christmas gift to Sirizani Batau who risked his life saving lives in the Mutare Road tragic accident, this is his Ecocash is: +263773024849. Once more we thank him for his heroic efforts that saved lives.