
Kwekwe Man Sues Wife For Collecting Men’s Contact Numbers

Kwekwe Man Sues Wife For Collecting Men’s Contact Numbers

A Kwekwe magistrate has granted a protection order in favour of a man who accused his wife of abusing him, including by collecting phone numbers of “every man.”

Malvin Mupezeni of Kwekwe had dragged his wife, Nomaxolo Sibanda, to Kwekwe Magistrates Court for emotional abuse.

He alleged that his wife habitually came home late in the night and drunk, and collected phone numbers of “every man”, and called them at night. He said:

I am tired of my wife’s behaviour, she comes home drunk in the middle of the night.

She collects every man’s phone number and communicates with them during the night, making endless calls.

She comes home drunk in the middle of the night and if I ask her about her whereabouts, she tells me that she had been arrested by Police for failure to wear a face mask.

In her defence, Sibanda said her husband’s problem is talkativeness.

She said as a cook, she interacts with different people including men who constitute the greater percentage of her customers. Sibanda said:

He suspects me of having some adulterous affair with every man I interact with.

However, magistrate Mildred Matuvi ruled in Mupezeni’s favour and granted him a protection order against his wife.

More: NewZiana
