
Zimbabwe Is Fighting A New War - Muzorewa

Zimbabwe Is Fighting A New War - Muzorewa

The United African National Council (UANC), one of the oldest political parties in Zimbabwe, says the country is fighting a new war long after attaining independence from Britain.

Gwinyai Muzorewa, who now leads UANC, and is the younger brother to the party’s former leader, Bishop Abel Muzorewa said Zimbabwe is struggling under a dictatorship, amid rampant human rights abuses, political violence, state capture, corruption and a sinking economy.

He told NewsDay on Sunday that he had a political strategy to end Zimbabwe’s economic woes. Muzorewa, a US-educated university professor, said:

Now we are fighting a different war. We are fighting a war against a bad economy, State capture, corruption and poverty. We are also fighting against human rights abuses.

Muzorewa said UANC was different from other political parties in the sense that it believed in true national unity and inclusive governance because “every Zimbabwean should be given an opportunity to serve their country”. He added:

So come 2023, the people will vote for the UANC because we have a politically mature and tested leadership. UANC is among the oldest, productive, liberation and official parties in Zimbabwe.

It has accomplished much, although some major accomplishments have been distorted by the ruling party’s fear of this people-centred party. We started as movement in early 1970s like most political parties do. For instance, in 1972 Bishop Muzorewa led the nation to protest against continued white minority rule and we won that battle. This displayed Bishop Muzorewa’s nationalistic leadership skills and he became the party president.

Muzorewa said, contrary to ZANU PF’s claims, it was UANC that demanded one-man-one-vote from the Smith’s regime and “won that battle against the white minority regime.” 

He said his brother was a tough negotiator who did not believe in violence as he was a man of the cloth and a man of integrity.

More: NewsDay Zimbabwe
