
Less Than 1.5 Million Learners Register For BEAM

Less Than 1.5 Million Learners Register For BEAM

The Government has expressed concern over the slow uptake of funds meant for pupils from economically disadvantaged families under the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) meant to cater for their fees.

The Government is targeting 1.5 million learners across the country’s ten provinces but the number of those who have registered under BEAM falls short of the target.

In 2021, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Paul Mavima announced the expansion of BEAM to buying school uniforms, paying examination fees and stationery for the learners who would have qualified. Previously, BEAM was limited to tuition fees.

Speaking to The Sunday News on Friday, Mavima said he could not readily provide the figures of those who had registered so far.

He, however, confirmed that the Government had not reached its target under the programme amid indications that the late start of the new school calendar may have contributed to the low number of learners who have registered under the facility. Said Mavima:

We are coming out of COVID-19, which is part of the main reason, there was a late start to the new school calendar so the registration is still ongoing.

Part of it also needs us to embark on information dissemination about the availability of the resource.

There are allegations of corruption in the awarding of funding for learners, with some teachers and officials accused of registering their children ahead of those genuinely in need.

More: The Sunday News
