
Vicious Police Dog On The Loose In Victoria Falls

Vicious Police Dog On The Loose In Victoria Falls

A dangerous Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) dog is on the loose in Victoria Falls and police have appealed to residents to help them track it down.

A council official said the dog is a German Shepherd and residents should avoid playing with it or putting it on a leash.

The dog allegedly strayed out of its kennel on Saturday and police are frantically trying to locate it before it harms people. Said the council official:

ZRP has lost a German Shepherd that is black in colour and has a brown colour on its chest.

This dog is dangerous and risky, we are therefore appealing to you residents of Victoria Falls to report if you come across it, or if you know of someone who is keeping it, you should contact police on 0773 415 311.

You can also alert police officers at your nearest police station.

According to CITE, German Shepherds are preferred by the police because of their noble character, loyalty, curiosity, high intellect and obedience.

More: CITE
