
By-elections Update: Nick Mangwana Comments On Results

By-elections Update: Nick Mangwana Comments On Results

Information Secretary, Nick Mangwana, has said the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa has “failed” to penetrate the rural vote as had been anticipated.

He speaks as the results of by-elections held on Saturday 26 March 2022 show that CCC is winning mainly urban areas where the opposition MDC has traditionally won since its formation in 1999. Commenting as ZEC continued to announce the results, Mangwana said:

It seems like the “Colour Revolution” was a poor attempt at creating a grassroot(s) movement. It was all hype, no heart. All style, no substance All froth, no beer All bark, no bite All buzzwords, no facts. You have more? Please share.

In the run-up to the by-elections, Chamisa toured all provinces where the elections would be held and thousands of supporters thronged to the rallies to hear him speak.

The huge attendance, even in rural areas known for being ruling ZANU PF’s hunting grounds, gave the impression that the newly-formed party (morphing from MDC Alliance) had won the rural vote.

From the results, attained by Pindula News, the ruling ZANU PF and opposition CCC are sharing the seats with the CCC taking a huge chunk.

It is bad news for MDC Alliance led by Douglas Mwonzora as they are yet to win a single seat.

More: Pindula News
