
Council Ordered To Reinstate Chamisa's Loyalists

Council Ordered To Reinstate Chamisa's Loyalists

The Labour Court has ordered the municipality of Marondera to reinstate seven employees who were dismissed last year after being accused of being Nelson Chamisa’s sympathisers.

The workers approached the courts saying they were illegally dismissed after refusing to pledge allegiance to the Douglas Mwonzora-led MDC T.

According to a judgement issued on March 2, the local government authority has been ordered to reinstate the workers to their positions and pay them their defaulted salaries. Reds the judgment in part:

The claim for unlawful termination of the contracts of employment is upheld. The 1st to the 6th respondent be and is hereby reinstated into their original positions without loss of salary and benefits.

If reinstatement is no longer tenable, the council shall pay the workers’ damages for the premature loss of their jobs. The damages are to be agreed between the parties failure of which either party can refer the matter to the court for quantification. 

Several people who were loyal to Chamisa lost their jobs last year following the takeover by the MDC T.

The 26 March by-elections were meant to replace the individuals who were recalled by the MDC-T. 

More: NewsDay Zimbabwe 
