
Laws Without Ethics Will Not Help - Chiri

Laws Without Ethics Will Not Help - Chiri

Auditor-General Mildred Chiri says having many laws but without ethics will not improve the performance of Government officials.

Chiri said the performance contracts recently signed by Government ministers, permanent secretaries and other senior officials might stop corruption and fraud if the moral fibre of society is restored.

Speaking in Nyanga at a media workshop recently, Chiri said the performance contracts signed by senior Government officials could make the officials implement audit reports and recommendations. Said Chiri:

What is lacking is the enforcement and implementation of audit recommendations.

This is why the Public Service Commission has introduced training on work ethics.

Moral fibre has gone down and it is necessary that we go back to basics.

We can have a lot of laws but without work ethics, they will not help.

Without work ethics, people will still find a way to commit crimes such as corruption and fraud.

Chiri said current laws, which include the Public Finance and Management Act and Audit Office Act among others, are conducive for her to discharge her work but what is lacking is the enforcement of the rules.

More: The Herald
