
Sex Toys Vendor Granted $30 000 Bail After 15 Days

Sex Toys Vendor Granted $30 000 Bail After 15 Days

A 23-year-old Harare woman arrested on allegations of smuggling sex toys (dildos) and selling some to schoolchildren was granted bail on Monday after spending 15 days in jail.

Ayanda Unity Mponda was released on ZWL$30 000 bail by High Court judge Justice Esther Muremba.

She was also ordered to report to the police twice weekly.

A magistrate had denied Mponda bail saying she was a danger to society. She was arrested on 15 May.

Mponda, who is represented by Harare lawyer Zorodzai Dumbura, denies charges she sold her toys to children.

She is being charged for violating provisions of the Customs and Excise Act and exposing children to pornographic material.

More: ZimLive
