
Community Water Alliance Petitions Harare To Terminate Pomona Dumpsite Deal

Community Water Alliance Petitions Harare To Terminate Pomona Dumpsite Deal

The Community Water Alliance (CWA) has petitioned the City of Harare (CoH) to terminate the controversial Pomona waste management deal in the interest of good public administration.

Harare residents have expressed consternation over the 30-year deal between Geo Pomona Waste Management (GPWM) and the local authority, which will see the company pocket over US$240 million.

A petition addressed to Harare mayor Jacob Mafume and councillors by CWA members Christopher Gohori and Joyleen Nyachuru read in part:

Your petitioners beseech the City of Harare to protect the constitutionally-guaranteed values and principles of development-oriented and accountable public administration by terminating the Pomona concession agreement … (and) bring the City of Harare’s legal department to account on legal advice given within the context of the concession agreement.

Mafume on Tuesday confirmed receiving the petition, adding they will call a full council meeting to look into the matter. Said Mafume:

The petition raised very critical issues and it is very critical that the local or national government should consult the people whenever it is entering into an agreement.

This idea of ambushing people is a thing of the past. There is no free lunch in this world.

Last week, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZHRC) petitioned the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to investigate the agreement.

Harare North MP, Allan Markham (MDC Alliance) recently filed an urgent High Court application seeking a review of the Pomona dumpsite deal.

More: NewsDay
