Pomona Dumpsite Deal: Ministerial Statement [Full Text]
![Pomona Dumpsite Deal: Ministerial Statement [Full Text]](/_next/image/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzero.pindula.co.zw%2Fmedia%2Fnews%2Farticles%2Fpomona-dumpsite-deal-ministerial-statement-full-text_2JRzcDZ.webp&w=640&q=75)
Ministerial statement on the Pomona waste-to-energy plant by the Deputy Minister of Local Government and Public Works, Marian Chombo.
THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS (HON. CHOMBO): Allow me to submit this presentation before the House, which seeks to clarify the issue of the Pomona waste to energy joint venture between the Harare City Council and Geogenix B.V as follows:
The Pomona dumpsite has been in existence since time immemorial, including concerns around the hazards it poses, it had become an eyesore.
Council in 2016 and 2019, tried to find interested investors to invest in Pomona dumpsite and received various expressions of interests including Geoginix B.V.
Unfortunately, no bidder was awarded the contract for Pomona dumpsite. In 2020, Geoginix resubmitted its proposal to City Council for a joint venture for the development of a waste to energy plant.
The proposal was presented to ZIDA, a Government statutory body responsible for the promotion, entry, protection and facilitation of investment in Zimbabwe.
Geoginix B.V is an internationally owned company, hence the need to follow laid down procedures as provided for by the ZIDA Act Chapter 14:37 which regulates the operations of foreign-owned companies.
ZIDA, in terms of Sections 34 and 36, forwarded the proposal to the Cabinet Committee on joint ventures who in turn presented the proposal to Cabinet for approval.
It should be noted that Cabinet is the highest executive authority. The Council which is a lower tier and an organ, has an obligation to implement the Cabinet decision, which they did when they resolved to enter into the contract in line with the Cabinet decision.
On 3rd May, Hon. Markham, Combined Harare Residents Association, Borrowdale Residents and Ratepayers Association and Centre for Alternative Development Trust filed a court application against the Minister of Local Government and Public Works, City of Harare and Geoginix seeking an order that nullifies the contract.
It is also noted that a group of councillors have decided to cause disruptions on the implementation of such a lucrative venture which has many benefits including employment creation, power generation and refuse management.
It is imperative to note that the matter is now before the courts of law and is, therefore, sub judice, hence the project will continue as per the dictates of the contract until the court makes a determination on the matter. I thank you.
More: OpenParly