
Robbers Attack Motorist, Take Car, Cash, Computer, Other Valuables

Robbers Attack Motorist, Take Car, Cash, Computer, Other Valuables

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is investigating a robbery case in which unknown assailants attacked a motorist, and stole his money, computer, printer and the vehicle along Mavingo – Mbalabala road. Police say the incident happened on Thursday evening. Reads the police report:

ZRP Mashava is investigating a case of robbery which occurred on 16/06/22 at around 1800 hours along Masvingo-Mbalabala Road near the Great Zimbabwe Campus turnoff.

Five unknown suspects attacked a motorist and stole a white Toyota Virgo twin cab vehicle, AEK 3890, a desktop computer, printer, as well as US$300 and ZWL$3000 cash. The motorist had offered the suspects a lift in Zvishavane.

The suspects also stole two bags containing a variety of clothing from two other passengers on board. Anyone with information should contact any nearest Police Station.

Cases in which motorists are being robbed by the passengers whom they would have offered a lift are on the rise in the country.

Meanwhile, there are cases where motorists are robbing the passengers they would have offered tranport.

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