
Chivhu Self-proclaimed Prophet Loses Appeal

Chivhu Self-proclaimed Prophet Loses Appeal

A self-proclaimed prophet from Chivhu, Mashonaland East, has lost his appeal against his conviction for unlawful entry and malicious damage to property.

Tinashe Mukote was handed an 18-year jail sentence after he connived with his wife to break into their landlord’s house, where they stole cash and other valuables.

Mukote later set the house on fire to destroy the evidence.

The self-styled prophet used some of the stolen money to purchase a vehicle and some to spoil his wife and relatives.

Mukote was convicted by the Chivhu Magistrate on 29 October 2021. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the unlawful entry, and 10 years for malicious damage to property.

He then approached the High Court seeking to note his appeal out of time but Justice Benjamin Chikowero ruled that the appeal was of no use.

Mukote was linked to the offence after some of his landlord’s belongings were found in his bedroom. Reads the judge’s findings:

The recovery of the complainant’s driver’s licence from the applicant’s bedroom, a black satchel, English Exercise book, Covid exemption letter, in respect of the complainant, as well as the complainant’s CABS bank account statement, and a Sunrise Readers book from Moses Mafukidze’s residence (where the applicant had taken them to) inexorably connected the applicant to the commission of the offences.

There was overwhelming evidence against the applicant.

The intended appeal against the conviction is certain to fail.

More: H-Metro
