
United Bulawayo Hospitals Suspends Operations

United Bulawayo Hospitals Suspends Operations

One of Zimbabwe’s 5 biggest referral hospitals, United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH), has suspended operations with immediate effect due to a lack of anaesthetic induction agents.

Anaesthetic induction agents are drugs that are administered to patients to put them to sleep during surgery.

In a memorandum dated 18 July 2022 and addressed to all consultants, doctors and wards, Acting Director of Clinical Services, Dr T Mushawarima said patients have the option of buying their own drugs. Reads the memo:

Due to a lack of Anaesthetic Induction agents, elective lists have been suspended with immediate effect till further notice. Patients may buy their own drugs if any elective list is to proceed.


In April this year, health worker and social commentator Setfree Mafukidze opined that Zimbabwe does not have a health minister and senior officials in the Ministry of Health and Childcare are not up to the task.

Mafukidze made the remarks in response to exchanges between Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Mthuli Ncube and opposition MPs during a Question and Answer session in the National Assembly over the state of cancer treatment in Zimbabwe.

In his responses, Ncube said the funds to purchase cancer machines are available and Treasury is waiting for the Ministry of Health to make requests.
