
Bulawayo Diarrhoea Outbreak Cases In Pumula, Nkulumane, And Nketa

Bulawayo Diarrhoea Outbreak Cases In Pumula, Nkulumane, And Nketa

A government official has said that it is moving to contain the outbreak after several new cases in Pumula, Nkulumane, And Nketa within a single month.

The outbreak has, according to reports, been worsened by the erratic supply of water in the city in the past several weeks. The city is facing water shortages due to low dam levels and vandalism of the Epping forestry boreholes.

Commenting on outbreak containment measures, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Honourable Judith Ncube said:

“We are facing an outbreak of diarrhoea in Bulawayo and as a government, we are moving in to contain the spread of the disease.

We do not want a repeat of what happened in Luveve, therefore, we have alerted the Civil Protection Unit on what is on the ground. Relevant stakeholders are now on the ground trying to contain the spread.

Moving forward, there will be water tanks installed in the affected areas to ensure people have stable water supplies.

Bulawayo Dam levels are at seven percent and you know the government drilled boreholes in Nyamandlovu, but vandalism of electricity infrastructures is affecting the pumping of water into the city. A total of 12 transformers have been vandalized and copper cables were stolen,”

More: ZBC
