
Security Guard (80) Killed By Wild Veldfire In Banket

Security Guard (80) Killed By Wild Veldfire In Banket

An 80-year-old security guard from Plumstead Farm, Banket, was on 19 August killed by a runaway veld fire and his corpse charred beyond recognition.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said the now-deceased, Sakatiza Mariza, was on his way home from his workplace when he was burnt.

ZRP spokesperson Mashonaland West Province Inspector Margaret Chitove confirmed the incident to Monday. She said:

The now deceased was on his way home from his workplace at St John’s Farm in Banket. As he approached Plumstead Farm, a veld fire quickly spread towards him and he was burnt beyond recognition while trying to run away.

Later that day, Isiah Mutero of Plot 4 Plumstead Farm, who was driving through observed a human-like figure lying lifeless and stopped to investigate.

He noticed it was a male body burnt beyond recognition and alerted villagers at a nearby farm compound.

The victim’s 34-year-old son, Costa Mariza, rushed to the scene and positively identified his father’s remains

A half-burnt cellphone belonging to the deceased was found beside the corpse.

Police from Banket Police Station attended the scene and Mariza’s body was conveyed to Banket District Hospital for post-mortem.

Insp Chitove urged members of the public to desist from starting unnecessary fires and also to put fireguards around homesteads, fields and paddocks to avoid loss of lives and property.

