
Police Arrest CCC Member Who Had Been Assaulted By ZANU PF Activists

Police Arrest CCC Member Who Had Been Assaulted By ZANU PF Activists

A CCC member from Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe (UMP), Mashonaland East Province, was reportedly assaulted by ZANU PF members and was then arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) when he went to report a politically motivated assault case by ZANU PF supporters.

According to the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, on Tuesday 23 August 2022, Stephen Ndundu was one of many CCC activists who were accosted by a group of ZANU PF members who accused them of “selling the country to the West.”

Ndundu was reportedly bashed by the ZANU PF activists and only just managed to escape.

On 25 August, he went to Nhakiwa Police Station and filed a report but was immediately arrested and detained.

Police arrested Ndundu on the pretext that they had received a phone call from someone making a report of an assault and of brandishing a firearm.

Ndundu was then detained. He was taken to court on Saturday 27 August 2022.

The Forum said its lawyers took instructions on Saturday and Mutawatawa Magistrates Court will hear submissions on bail on Monday 29 August 2022.
