
Saba Magacha Responds To "He's Gay, He Takes Drugs" Allegations

Saba Magacha Responds To "He's Gay, He Takes Drugs" Allegations

Award-winning Zimbabwean gospel artist, Sabastian Magacha, has said he is pained by some remarks made by some members of the public on the outfit he donned on the launch of his album last month. Some social media users said his outfit suggested that he was a homosexual while some said his energy was an indication that he was taking drugs. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the Ridza Bhosvo hitmaker said he was pained by disunity and hatred among Christians. Reads the statement:

๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”Handina kumboziva hangu kuti mapfekero angu akashata uyezve kuti ndatovangochani nekudakwe hembe dzangu๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” [I didnโ€™t know the way I dress is bad and Iโ€™m now a homosexual]

Handina kumboziva kuti Energy yandinayo nekufara kwandinoyita zvirikureva kuti ndakuyita zvema Drugs, Mbanje,etc.๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” [I never knew that the energy and happiness I exhibit on stage is an indication that Iโ€™m abusing drugs, marijuana, etc]
All l ever wanted was and is to Preach the gospel of Jesus Christ . I know handikwanisi kufadza vanhu vese uyezve handingadiwe nenyika yose, koingawani mwana komana waMwari chaiye pane vayitoto pasinaye.
Asi ini pazvose zvandinoyita shuviro yangu ndeyekufadza Mwari. [In everything I do, I aim to exhalt the name of God]
But it looks like machristu akawanda ndisu tinodzikisirana nekuda kusimukira nekutsika vamwe, tirikuvengana nekusarudzana nechikonzero chema Churches atinobva, saka Mwari watirikunamata wacho ndeupi? ๐Ÿ’”
Moyo wangu unorwadza dzimwe nguva dzandino wona vanhu vanouya vachitaura zvehupenyu hwangu zvandisingazive ndichitotangawo kushamisika kuti saba arikutaurwa apo ndeupi chaiye? ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
NDINE MUVHUNZO! kumachristu
Makambowonawo kuwirirana kunoyita zvidhakwa here chero kuwirirana kunoyita ma Secular Musician?? Vanhu vaya vakabatana zvavo thatโ€™s why zvinhu zvavo zvichizoyita sezvinofamba because vane Unit. But look at us we have twuma Camps kunge twuma Katel ๐Ÿ’” hatinyatsowirirana so!
A lot of people asked me this Question why do l like to collaborate with Secular musician?? Here is the answer. They are not Complicated, Havana twumitemo hobho hobho plus havarambidzwe naPastor/Phophet/Spiritual father wavo!! they are Easy to Work with and l will keep doing that!!
Social media of today yazara nevanhu vazhinji vari very Toxic, this is the reason why you see a lot of people are suffering from depression, some are even going through mental health and other committing Suicide. Vanhu vagara vatoriwo nezvirikuvashungurudza but tirikudira Petrol pamoto.
Kwamuri mose Ndinoda kukuzivisai kuti l will not stop Preaching the Word Of God inini naMwari tinozivana!! Hope my new album #IamFavored will continue to minister to your life. Subscribe to my Utube channel

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