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Mahere Says The Govt Is "Anti-poor" Following An "Astronomical Increase In Fees By UZ"

2 years agoSun, 11 Sep 2022 09:27:26 GMT
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Mahere Says The Govt Is "Anti-poor" Following An "Astronomical Increase In Fees By UZ"

The University of Zimbabwe (UZ) has raised students’ fees for the August – December 2022 Semester raising the eyebrows of many. The new fee structure seen by Pindula News suggests that an engineering student now needs to pay at least ZWL$500 000.

Responding to the development, Fadzayi Mahere, a former Law lecturer at the UZ said the “poor” won’t afford the fees. Mahere who is also the national spokesperson of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) called upon authorities to review the fees downwards. She said:

The astronomical increase in fees by the @UniversityOfZim can only be described as criminal. This regime is anti-poor. A civil servant earns US$150 but has to pay ZWL$500,000 for an engineering student. That excludes living expenses. We need new leaders.

49% of Zimbabweans live in extreme poverty. A civil servant barely earns $200,000 yet the UZ has pegged fees at between $500,000 and $1million. How will the poor afford this? @edmnangagwa has failed to deliver affordable, quality education for Zimbabweans.

If you’re not outraged by the UZ fees hike, you’re not paying attention. Once upon a time, UZ education was free. Now, unemployed parents living in extreme poverty are asked to pay half a million dollars in fees. Is affordable, quality education too much to ask? #FeesMustFall

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Takudzwa Ngadziore, the leader of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) also rallied “young people” to demand a review of the fees downwards. He said: 

The recent fees structure at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) sends a strong message to young people. We should unite & fight this authoritarian regime.A dysfunctional education system is detrimental to National Development. #FeesMustFall should be the talk & walk @Zinasuzim FIGHT.

Other commentators also said education was becoming a privilege as school fees in Zimbabwe are now beyond the reach of an average parent.

Fees have been going up in recent years with learning institutions citing the depreciation of the Zimbabwe dollar.

Pindula News



mubhabhatidzi · 2 years ago
mai muponesi nyararai zvenyu tozvitaura kut makawana scholarship kubva kuZANU-PF futi
Ashley · 2 years ago
Yaaaa sure
Citizen raPep naChisa · 2 years ago
Nhai nhai why kutinyaudza,Volts JT is about to graduate with a degree in VLSI yekugadzira ma silicon chips,ndeipi company inogadzira macomputer muno🤔,dai atova nemota kana imba sevafana vepaximex nevarikupusha mangoma Ehe chemai apa muchigara muri 6 mukaroom 1 ke150$ kuMt Pleasant ikoko Chitoendai Poly mutore madiploma motiza muno as fast as you can Patriotism yekushandira nyika or as they call it Nyika inovakwa neven vayo haishandi muno,tiza unotora nationality kumwe,afterall ivo varikutaura izvozvo vana vawo vari mhiri and ivo vanotori nemaretirement homes mhiri
Ashley · 2 years ago
lye zvino ungade kunotambisa mari ikoko uchitadza kuenda paPolly uye hakuna mabasa unozongofanana neakagumira form 4
Hwesa · 2 years ago
Musa furire vanhu imi
Ashley · 2 years ago
mari yavanotaura wakawandisa hazvienderane nemari inotambirwa nevanhu kumabasa vanoti vanoiwanepi zvimwe zvacho sooooo
Louis Dzingira · 2 years ago
zvinei nesu dzidzai mega isu totsvaka Mari kwete mapaper
Citizen raPep naChisa · 2 years ago
Haa utwu tuvanhu tuchiri kuenda kuUniversity dzirimo here,mari iyoyo chitoitai manurse aide muende zvenyu kuPorandi 🇵🇱 neUK 🇬🇧 kunotambira ma1000€ pane kuswero funder mbavha idzi dzisingazokupei mabasa
Gwedu · 2 years ago
Pindula you are becoming biased here!! Why deleting our msgs?
g · 2 years ago
guys to be frank with u ppl who dd trades like motor mech,plumber,caroenter,builders,electrician are going to Australia where they get 45AUD per hour,maAccountants vanzwa nekuzvimba maoko neku puncher masalaries ema trades ,pane araiser issue yekuenda kuPoly that person arikuona life chaiyo kwete zvetuma programme utu van sosiology,psychology,where do u think u will get the job if u do these programmes its high time ppl need to revise their carrier guidance

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