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United Nations Complains Over Zimbabwean Officials Who Solicited To Attend UN Meetings

2 years agoTue, 13 Sep 2022 14:59:48 GMT
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United Nations Complains Over Zimbabwean Officials Who Solicited To Attend UN Meetings

The government has criticised some civil servants who are directly soliciting United Nations agencies for invitations to attend meetings in New York.

In an internal memorandum seen by Pindula News, Agriculture Permanent Secretary, John Basera condemned the conduct which he described as “undiplomatic”.

Basera said the United Nations recently expressed concern over the development. Reads the memo addressed to all directors and department heads:


The matter above refers.

The United Nations Secretariat has complained to our Mission in New York over the conduct of some Government Officials who directly contact the Secretariat soliciting to attend UN meetings.

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The practice is unprocedural and undiplomatic and, therefore, Government Officials are hereby directed to desist from such behaviour.

It is also of concern that there are other scenarios where delegates travelling to New York for UN sessions end up attending the sessions virtually or travel to the sessions out of time, and attend closing sessions

This is unnecessary wastage of resources.

In line with the pronouncement by his Excellency the President (Emmerson Mnangagwa) on the need to apply prudence when undertaking foreign trips, officials in the ministry are called upon to take note of the observations above in order not to bring the country’s name into disrepute.

Model UN conferences are considered opportunities to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment. There can also be monetary benefits.

Pindula News



00 · 2 years ago
Kunyarara kurinani
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zvirinani kunyarara
Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
When one Citizen intentionally kills another citizen it is murder When one Citizen kills a leader is is assassination When a citizen accidentally causes the death of another Citizen, it is culpable homicide; When a Citizen kills themselves, it is suicide; When a Japanese army personnel kills themselves instead of being taken prisoner, that is hara kiri; (honourable death); When an authorized person gets rid of an a criminal, it is an execution; BUT, when any citizen carries out a terminal disposal of a social misfit like @,,,,dott, he commits Praiseworthy Homicide I AM LOOKING FOR SOME HONOURABLE CITIZEN TO COMMIT PRAISEWORTHY HOMICIDE ON @,,,,dott please.
Emersoni · 2 years ago
Dot URI **** sezita rako
jz · 2 years ago
ko kurega kucomenta zvinodiiko,,vananhingi
toilet kingdom · 2 years ago
•••dott cde please seek and you need backside cleansing your brain is matotsi ehuku pano hapana atukirira govt employees but zviito chete
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Vakaita sana susan
Kkk · 2 years ago
Inzwawo rimwe iri
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Kana musina ma comments nyararai ndavamwe rich ak umamisai pa pindula panapa
Mukanyapazvese · 2 years ago
Ndivanani name and shame
pk · 2 years ago
vana susan mutami ndovamwe vacho
Dununu · 2 years ago
Is Susan mutami a government official??
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
How is Susan involved as she does not work for government? Do not expose your shallow mindednes ,rather keep off if you have no contribution.
dispenser · 2 years ago
That cld be e funniest comment of e month. hey Mr @pk commenting fr e sake of just. The reason bz some other ple can be used out of ignorance
Mudzidzisi · 2 years ago
@pk is a practical example yemhunu asina kukwana.
😊 · 2 years ago
zviya ndo**** rekukoirwa ne every politician kuti riyende ku Australia
@pk · 2 years ago
the person who lends you their phone to post such ridiculous posts is my enemy not you.
Citizen · 2 years ago
The corrupt cartel trying to bribe their way to NY thinking corruption is everywhere like here
I · 2 years ago
If we're to be realistic corruption is everywhere even in New York. However some officials are under strict watchdogs always sniffing into their accounts. Plus lifestyle audits, both of which are rarely used in Zimbabwe
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
Their insatiable greed for travel allowances, subsistence, per-diems and 5 star hotel accommodation is the motive behind pestering the UN to invite them to sessions where they have no role to play. They also want to shop in New York and invest their I'll gotten lucre in Wall Street Banks. Vapedza vouya paZBC kuzoti USA is evil & Sanctions are the problem. When the UN Secretariat starts to complain, zivayi kuti zvinenge zvanyanya....

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